A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 7 – Part 4 All Rise


So Daniel received this wild vision of weird looking beasts that represented world kingdoms that would rise up one after another to rule the world.  And now we look back in History and see how that prophecy unfolded, and how those “mighty” nations rose up and conquered everyone around them and then disappeared again .  So what does that matter to us?
Well, it just goes to show that when God says something he means it.  So we ought to pay more attention to what God wants from our lives than what the world says.  All the nations of this world are temporary and the only thing that endures is God’s Kingdom.  So if you want to have a hope for a truly meaningful life now, and beyond the pinpoint of life we live on Earth, the only way to avoid a meaningless existence is to start living your life according to the design specs of our Creator.


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