A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 4 – Part 2 The Easy Way or the Hard Way


Einstein said that it was insanity to keep making the same mistake over and over expecting different results.  And that’s basically what a lot of people do with sin.  They keep doing the same immoral things over and over thinking it’s not going to hurt them.  The only problem is, you can’t plea insanity for evil on Judgment Day.  Part of what makes sin evil is that you do it with full knowledge that it’s wrong.  Your own conscience declares your guilt.

So the simple fix is to stop sinning.  Jesus offers a free pardon to anybody willing to make that choice and start living for him.  So the question is, will you stop, or will you keep doing the same wicked things expecting different results?

King Nebuchadnezzar was a great example of someone who learned that lesson a little slow, but he eventually got it.  Are you smarter than him?


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