Posts Tagged ‘greed’

Economics 101


When you ask someone how much money they’d like to have, the most common answer is ‘just a little more.’ Whether they’re making minimum wage or have billions, everybody wants more money. The funny thing about that is we don’t equate that desire with the addiction people have for drugs or alcohol or porn or whatever. Greed is looked at as a good thing in our country. Anybody who is actually content with what they have is seen as abnormal. And this national greed has not only put almost everybody into debt of one kind or another, this idea has infected our government. So now our nation is in debt–huge debt! And like a lot of other things, the church, for the most part, has completely ignored the instructions that God gives in the Bible for how to best manage money. It’s really a sad situation to think about how many people in this country have sold themselves into slavery to the bank. So how are we supposed to live? Well, this talk touches on a few basic ideas. Check it our and see what you think.