Posts Tagged ‘family’

Those are My Kids


Get your pencils out, it’s test time!

How do you think you stand up to God’s Top 10?

Have a listen and see how you come out.

How to be the Perfect Mom – Mothers Day


Being a mom is so much more than just the things mom does for her family.  So many moms are always on the go getting things done, from household chores to playing games to taking kids where they need to go and so many other things.  But a great mom isn’t just the stuff she does, it’s who she is.  It’s a heart full of love that is poured out for her family, making sacrifices to care for her kids because her heart is so full for her loved ones, that really makes a mom.  And that is what truly makes a mom so wonderful!

Bringing Up Baby – Fathers Day


It’s sad enough when you hear about a tragedy like a school shooting.  But then people seem to turn it into an opportunity to promote their favorite politics.  And that turns a bad situation into a worse one.  Lately people having been arguing for and against things like gun control and armed security in schools and medicating children and various other things that deal with the symptoms of of the problem.  But I don’t hear anybody talking about teaching basic morality to children–or even adults.  We’ve left the training of our children to a public school system that has a hard time producing kids who can read and do math, much less kids who follow the Golden Rule.

I think our society has abdicated its responsibility of raising children who can be a benefit to society.  If you want to have less crime and a better economy and a better world all around, one thing we need is fathers with moral character who will model integrity and excellence for their children to follow.

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly – Father’s Day


A good dad is good to find.  It seems like the role of fatherhood has been dragged through the mud by many in our culture and mass media.  Fortunately we still have the best example to live by, in our Heavenly Father, God.  After all, that exactly the standard we are all called to live up to.  Jesus said, “You are to be perfect, even as my Father in Heaven is perfect.”

So don’t drop the ball dads.  Be the father you are called to be!

Make Mom Smile


How much better would the world be if all moms were godly and loving, and all kids did what their moms told them to do?  I think most moms love their kids, and want the best for them.  How many kids go astray because they refuse to listen to Mom’s wisdom and guidance?  With Mothers Day approaching, maybe it’s a good time to reevaluate whether or not your life has honored Mom–and if you are a mom–whether your life has honored God.

Dad’s Disciples


God’s first commandment was to multiply and subdue the earth.

Christ’s last commandment was to go into all the earth and make disciples.

These to commandments go together like chocolate and peanut butter.  What better way to make disciples than to raise your own children to love and obey God, and to teach them to teach their children and their children’s children and everyone they come in contact with?  If Christian parents would model the perfect love of God for their friends AND families, that whole Great Commission thing would be a snap.

Be still


How many electronic devices do you carry around with you?  How many TVs and radios do you have?  How many hours a day do you spend talking on the phone or texting or e-mailing?  How often do you watch TV while you’re doing something else?  Our lives are full of noise and distraction and busyness.  We are a fast paced culture that never sleeps.

I love watching the old films that guessed about the technological advancements we would have today and how much time they would save us.  There were people who were seriously worried that our modern technology would free us up from so much work that we’d wind up with too much extra time on our hands.  But it seems like we can put those fears to rest.  With every new modern advancement, it’s like we learn to multitask another level.

Have you ever just stopped?  Put down the devices and books and magazines, turned off the electronics, and sat down and listened for the voice of God?  The Bible describes the leading of the Holy Spirit as a still, small voice.  How much have you missed of God’s voice because your life was too full of busyness and noise?

Perhaps it’s time to be like Jesus and choose to make some solitude and silence in your life.