Posts Tagged ‘baby’

Baby’s First Steps


So God happened to bless my wife & I with the cutest little baby girl ever born, and guess who’s walking now?!

Click on me to watch me walk!

Click here for high quality video

Pretty cool!

Real Babies


I have been noticing, with my first child getting ready to be born in like 6 weeks, that babies seem more real.  Have you ever had your perspective change because of something like that.  I mean I’ve just never really looked at a newborn baby and thought about what it was thinking as he tries to figure out what all these new sensations are and how this body he’s contained in reacts to his feelings.  But now that I can feel my own child move in my wife’s belly and see her grow, I can understand why parents love those wrinkly, noisy, helpless little creatures.  And I think I’m going to get an even better sense of how much God loves us.