Posts Tagged ‘life’

Entering the Peace


This is a message given by a friend of mine who is a missionary from Poland, named Wiesiek Stebnicki.  He dealt with how issues of pain and suffering and difficulty can be dealt with through Christian faith, and how we can find peace in the midst of life’s difficulties.

It’s a great talk and I thought it was definitely worth sharing!

Resurrection Day


How do you usually celebrate Easter?  Coloring eggs?  Opening baskets of candy?  Cooking marshmallow peeps in the microwave?  Maybe you have a big Easter dinner, or maybe you just sleep in and don’t do anything special.

Did you know that the Resurrection of Jesus has implications that affect everybody?  And it’s a lot bigger than bunnies and eggs and even chocolate.

Yes–even bigger than chocolate!

The Man Behind the Curtain


Ever heard the term “Too big for your britches”?  A lot of people sure do like to puff themselves up.  Just think about all the politicians you see on TV.  Some people just get power hungry and end up abusing their power.  And so often, the higher you go up the chain of power, the more corrupt those people get.  But all the power in the world is nothing to God.  It’s difficult to imagine what infinite power must be like.  But it’s enough to know that that kind of power ought to be respected.  And those people with more power than others, will be called into account for how they managed the resources they were allowed to steward.  And everyone, will be judged by God’s omnipotent judgment one day.  So my suggestion: don’t get too big for your britches.

Be Worthy


I like at the end of the movie Saving Private Ryan how the main Characters have sacrificed so much to save and protect the life of Private Ryan.  Several have died in the course of finding Ryan, including Captain Miller–whose dying words to Ryan were “Earn this.”  In other words, people have given their lives to save yours, so honor their sacrifice by how you live your life.

The same goes for anybody whose life has been saved by Jesus Christ.  So much has been sacrificed to save people from an eternity in Hell.  And that gracious gift should be honored by the way we live our lives every day.  All true Christians should be living completely pure and dedicated lives, and do everything we can to bless God because he has blessed us so much!

For His Name’s Sake


Have you ever thought about what it means to have the Lord as your shepherd?  Jesus said “I am the good shepherd.”  He said other people might play the part and pretend to be like that.  But nobody will ever care for you like Jesus, because they’re only like hired hands.  When trouble comes they’ll take off and leave you to fend for yourself.  They’ll let the wolves eat you because they’re just in it for the money.  They’re not willing to put their lives on the line for you.  But Jesus already gave his life for you.

It really is good to have a Good Shepherd.

Live Like You’ve Got a Purpose


There was a book written almost 10 years ago called “The Purpose Driven Life” by a guy named Rick Warren.  And it was a best seller.  Millions of people flocked to buy the book.  And unlike so many other “self help” books, it starts off by telling the reader that the purpose of life isn’t all about you.

There’s something bigger in life than just you.  There is purpose that goes beyond our own wants and needs.  There are things much bigger then our own lives at stake here.  But there’s a really interesting twist involved in dealing with that truth.  You can spend your life trying to find self actualization and fulfillment and wind up completely lost and empty.  But if you devote yourself to the purpose that you were created for, you will gain fulfillment and a contentment as a natural byproduct of focusing on what is most important–in fact that’s the only way to find true life.

Jesus put it this way “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me.  If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.  And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your soul in the process?”

Don’t Throw That Away


Have you ever noticed that when you run into problems that it’s a whole lot easier to look down than it is to look up?  We all get thrown some curve balls in life.  And when the going gets tough, we like to feel sorry for ourselves and wish things were easier.  But when you come to the place where you hit bottom, you finally look up and see the direction that you should have been going all along.  It takes work to climb out of a hole.  And the truth is, it’s a whole lot easier to climb out before you hit bottom.  But regardless of how deep you sink in your sorrows, it’s not until you look up, that you can start climbing in the right direction.

Some people will look at this world and see all the evil that people do, and be hopeless because of it.  But if you look up, and turn your eyes upon Jesus, there is always hope.

Iron Men: Part Two


If you want to have a good spiritual workout, like any good workout, it doesn’t take anything complicated, it just takes the will and determination to do the simple things on a regular basis.  Things like reading the Bible and obeying God and praying and sharing your faith aren’t all that complicated.  But like everything that’s good for you, if you don’t do them you don’t gain the benefits.

So my suggestion is, make a healthy eternal lifestyle change and follow Jesus.  He’s good for you!

Iron Men: Part One


I’ve seen so many commercials for crazy exercise equipment promising to make you look like a world class bodybuilder in just a few weeks.  And all of them are just as pointless as pool ball.  Unless a person is willing to get off their butt and do some physical activity on a regular basis, all the equipment in the world won’t do them any good.

And even if you do exercise every day, you’re still going to die someday.  So really, you ought to worry about your eternal soul much more than you do your temporary body.

Wanna know how?  Listen to the audio!

A Review of Paul’s Letter to the Romans


Have you noticed that people just don’t write letters anymore?  Even e-mail has been traded for texting and Facebook and Twitter.  We still get junk mail from every direction.  But it’s a rare occasion to get an old fashioned letter in you mailbox.  And you definitely don’t see letters like the one Paul wrote to the Christian church in Rome.