Posts Tagged ‘holiness’

In the Master’s Hands


In the right hands a wrench can build an engine, a pen can write an epic, and a paintbrush can create a masterpiece.  But when it comes down to it, all those things are inanimate tools.  But what if the tool had a life of it’s own.  What if the brush could cooperate with the artist and help create a unique work of art together?  What if the Artist could put the brush in motion, and let go, and watch the paintbrush go on creating?

I know that sounds weird.  But we have a Master who wants to do amazing things with us, and we are not inanimate objects.  We are living, breathing, thinking, beings, with a will and creativity and desire.  So the real question is, how can you cooperate with the Master to create something beautiful with what he has made you to do?

Easter Pop Quiz


Jesus is alive!  I don’t know about you, but I think that’s the best news ever.  And it’s crazy to think that the King of all creation ever had to die in the first place.  What kind of God would die for a bunch of wicked, rebellious, peons?  He certainly didn’t have to die.  He could wipe us all out with a snap of his fingers and completely get rid of the mess we’ve made of things.  But he hasn’t.  He sacrificed himself to give us the hope of finding a brand new life in him.  What an amazing gift.  He must really love us!  And we can count on him and all the promises he made because he is alive.  Praise the Lord!

A Walk Through the Book of Romans: Chapter 8


CHAPTER EIGHT – More Than Conquerors

Have you ever done something wrong and you wish you could go back and change things?  Probably just about everybody has.  And since we haven’t yet figured out the whole time travel thing, we have to figure out some other way to deal with those situations.  So what do you do with those kinds of problems?



“Don’t judge me.”

I’ve heard that a lot.  In other words, they’re asking for you to ignore the decision they’ve made.

“Yeah, I decided to do what I know is wrong.  And I know that you know it’s wrong”  But I’m trying to convince myself that I’m not a bad person for doing it.  So please don’t mention that it’s wrong to me.  Don’t use your brain when you think about me.”

Well, you know, I wouldn’t have to “judge” you if you used good judgment yourself when you made the decision to do something wrong.  If you would do good, then you would want me to judge you and notice the good.  It’s only when you do bad that you don’t want people using discernment about your behavior.

And keep in mind that my judgment can’t do much more than cause embarrassment or inconvenience to you.  But we will all be judged by God for all of our thoughts and actions, and his judgment determines our eternity.

Rug Rats and Evildoers


Hey Church!  I have a bone to pick with you.  Yeah you–the whole Church–all you people who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.  Do you remember what Jesus prayed for you before he was crucified?  He prayed that we would all be ONE–just like he and the Father are one.  And do you remember why he prayed that?  So that the world would KNOW that God sent Jesus.  Well guess what?  You have fractured the church into so many opposing groups that the world looks at you and says, “Ok, so which one of these factions should I believe in?  They all seem to disagree.  So why should I believe in Jesus, if his prayer for his church didn’t even work?  How can I be any worse off by not believing in what any of these groups say?”

Real nice job church!  You’ve made quite a mess of Christ’s prayer.

So how about working on that problem?  Why don’t you start living like Jesus did…in PERFECT unity with God.  Don’t let there be even a hint of immorality and sin in you.  Let the world see a body of believers who live pure lives from pure hearts made pure and kept pure by cooperating with the power of the Holy Spirit.  Do you remember how upset Jesus was by those who claimed to be “religious” but were really just religious hypocrites?  Don’t be anything like that.  Let your life be lived the way your Lord commands it to be lived–RIGHTEOUSLY!

I guarantee if every person who claimed to follow Jesus actually lived like Jesus, that the world would have no choice but to understand exactly who Jesus is and that God sent him into the world.  And, if the church (the whole church) lived in perfect unity with Jesus and obeyed all of his commands, she would automatically live in perfect unity as the “body” of Christ.  The church would be ONE.

Read John 17 and think about it.

Hitting the Wall


Have you ever run a marathon?  Have you ever thought that would be a cool thing to accomplish.  Did you know the guy who ran the first marathon died after running the distance?  Isn’t that crazy?!  And now it’s a race that thousands and thousands of people run it!



Do you pray?  Does God answer your prayers?  Do you ever wonder why he does or why he doesn’t?

What Kind of Lover Are You?


I shared this talk at my old church a few years ago.  It was at 6:00 in the morning–YIKES that’s early!  But it was a good time.  My dad recorded a video of it and gave me a copy.  So I just thought it would be fun to share.  It’s split up into 4 parts.  Enjoy…


PART 1 of 4


Part 2 of 4


Part 3 of 4


Part 4 of 4

Jesus said “Those who obey me are the ones who love me.”  So, may your life start showing Jesus some real love that’s more than just flowery words and emotional drama.  For the love of God obey him. 🙂



What is the most valuable thing you own?  A car, a house, investments, something else?  How much have you spent on holding on to it, maintaining it, caring for it?  How long do you expect it to last? 10 years, 100, 1000?  Jesus once asked the question “What good is it if you gain the whole world, but lose your soul in the process?”  How much have you invested in your eternal life?  Does it come close to the time, money, and energy that you’ve spent on earthly stuff?  Do you have any treasure stored in heaven?  If not, now might be a good time to open an account with God.  So, what would you be willing to trade for an account in the Kingdom?  What if God told you it would cost you everything you have?



It’s not an Ordinary Nation.

The word ordain comes from the word order.  That’s what it means.  It can be like an order that a boss gives a worker or like putting things in alphabetical order.  When a church ordains a pastor.  They do a little of both.  That’s what happened to me.  My church made me a part of the leadership team along with other elders and deacons.  With a team committed to serving God with wisdom and humility the things that get done and the decisions that get made will be done with order and not disorder.  I also got orders from my Boss to step into this role and to serve the people of God’s church.  So I’m taking my orders to teach and to serve.  This talk is just a response to being assigned this new role.

But a pastor is just 1 role in the church.  Everybody in the church is supposed to be using their gifts to serve God as a team.  So what does it mean to serve God?  And how should we look at our own role as part of this team?