Archive for the ‘Sermons’ Category

The Man, The Myth, The Legend – Part 1


I’ve heard people talk as if the Bible were just a myth, to be compared to fantasy works such as Homer’s Odyssey or On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.  But the Apostles wrote specifically to give evidence for their faith.  John said he wrote so that the reader may continue to believe.  Luke said he wanted to write down a detailed history of the life of Jesus and the early church.  The writers certainly weren’t presenting myth.  But I have found that when people are presented with a truth they don’t like, they often try to find ways to reject it.  So it would make sense that people who live their lives in opposition to the Bible would try to discount it.

Unfortunately for such people there is an abundance of evidence to support the truth of Scripture, and one day truth will come crashing down upon them like a ton of brimstone.  I hope that doesn’t describe you!

The Issues


I originally shared this message on Halloween.  So there’s a short talk on that subject.  How do you think a Christian ought to handle Halloween?

It was also right before the 2010 elections.  So the rest of the talk is about some of the hot button issues then.  It’s primary time for Republicans, and not far down the road it will be election time again.  How do you decide who to vote for?  Do you use morality, popularity, random selection?  How much does the conduct of your elected leaders matter to you?

In God We Trust


So we’ve got this amazing new idea that we formed our government on called freedom–at least it’s a new idea compared to the history of government on our planet.  The only problem is that a government run by the consent of the governed really depends on the governed being willing to govern themselves–in other words practicing self control so that the official government simply has to provide a safe environment for private contracts.  But when people stop taking responsibility for their government and themselves, then the government naturally tends towards tyranny.  Fortunately we’ve got a long way to go before we have that kind of government, but at the same time we have a lot less personal freedom than we did even 100 years ago.  So the question is will we the people allow our freedoms to erode completely over the next decades or will we wrestle back control from the “ruling class”?

All or Nothing


Have you ever gone swimming in water that was kind of cold?  You know, like when you go in the ocean and you first step in and it’s freezing.  You know once you get in all the way you’ll get used to it, but with each step the cold creeps up your legs.  And everybody knows the best thing to do is just plunge all the way in.  But a lot of people just don’t want to do that.  They know it’s best but they don’t like the idea of that instant chill.  Could it be the same with a lot of people when it comes to faith?

Use Your Brain


Judge not lest ye be judged.  Ever heard that line before?  I’ll bet when you heard it, it came from somebody who didn’t want to be held accountable for their choices.  But do you think an out of context Bible verse is the best defense of irresponsibility?  Listen to the podcast and you be the judge…

Litmus Test


Here’s a good test of faith:

Listen to the podcast to hear the secret.

Keep the Faith


I think Winston Churchill’s “Never Give in” speech was a great shot in the arm for the students at Harrow School–and for many who heard or read it later.  It was back in 1941 that he delivered it.  So there were 3 more years of hard fighting and being bombed on a regular basis before there was any real hope of victory over the Nazis in WWII.  In it he said:

“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. We stood all alone a year ago, and to many countries it seemed that our account was closed, we were finished. All this tradition of ours, our songs, our School history, this part of the history of this country, were gone and finished and liquidated.

“Very different is the mood today. Britain, other nations thought, had drawn a sponge across her slate. But instead our country stood in the gap. There was no flinching and no thought of giving in; and by what seemed almost a miracle to those outside these Islands, though we ourselves never doubted it, we now find ourselves in a position where I say that we can be sure that we have only to persevere to conquer.”

As Christians, we live in a world of sinful people and the pain and hardships that are a result of sin.  So take a note from Churchill, my brothers and sisters, and remain strong in your faith.  Never give up.  Never give in.  Remain strong in the Lord, and you will find victory in your perseverance!

Farewell to God


It seems like Christianity is becoming less and less popular in pop culture and mass media.  So maybe all of us Christians should just give up and become atheists. They’re even killing off our brothers and sisters in Africa and the Middle East.  Now’s maybe a good time to get out before it gets that bad in the U.S.  Then again, Jesus did warn us that following him wouldn’t be easy.  Maybe we should take him at his word, count the cost, and live out our faith with some real commitment.  Just an idea.

The Man Behind the Curtain


Ever heard the term “Too big for your britches”?  A lot of people sure do like to puff themselves up.  Just think about all the politicians you see on TV.  Some people just get power hungry and end up abusing their power.  And so often, the higher you go up the chain of power, the more corrupt those people get.  But all the power in the world is nothing to God.  It’s difficult to imagine what infinite power must be like.  But it’s enough to know that that kind of power ought to be respected.  And those people with more power than others, will be called into account for how they managed the resources they were allowed to steward.  And everyone, will be judged by God’s omnipotent judgment one day.  So my suggestion: don’t get too big for your britches.

Be Worthy


I like at the end of the movie Saving Private Ryan how the main Characters have sacrificed so much to save and protect the life of Private Ryan.  Several have died in the course of finding Ryan, including Captain Miller–whose dying words to Ryan were “Earn this.”  In other words, people have given their lives to save yours, so honor their sacrifice by how you live your life.

The same goes for anybody whose life has been saved by Jesus Christ.  So much has been sacrificed to save people from an eternity in Hell.  And that gracious gift should be honored by the way we live our lives every day.  All true Christians should be living completely pure and dedicated lives, and do everything we can to bless God because he has blessed us so much!