Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Catch Up Time


You know how they say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions?  I’ve also heard that Hell is full of good intentions, but Heaven is full of good works.  Well, I’ve had the intention of getting a lot of older messages posted, so I can stay current as I go.  But I’ve been taking too long to get it done.  So I’m just going to post a bunch without descriptions.  I’ll just put a theme verse to go with each one.  That way I can stop just having good intentions, and start getting things done.  Here goes!

Good news for audiophiles


Up till now, we’ve been recording audio on a mini voice recorder, and the sound quality (as you’ve probably noticed) has not been very good.  But we finally got a computer installed that we can use to record in much better sound quality that we’re using now.  It will be awhile until you get to hear the difference because I’m still catching up with talks from awhile ago.  But I’m hoping to get caught up with those and get to the current talks as soon as possible.  I know everybody will appreciate better sound quality.  So, I just thought I’d let y’all know that it’s coming before too long.